Tag Archives: winter

  • Rusting with Snow

    Co-creating art with snow

    Creating art by rusting steel with snow.

    Winter is here for another year. I always enjoy the snow, it’s one of the reasons I live in Canada. From that first little high I get seeing the first snow fall for the year, to hearing it crunch underneath my feet as move around in it, to sitting cozily indoors and getting mildly hypnotized watching the flakes drift down.

    But this year I’m loving it for another reason altogether.

  • Steel Arrives

    Preparing steel panels for rusting. After hearing that the metal I need could be weeks away, Dave over at Fehlings Sheet Metal has managed to locate some steel locally. He’s been a good man and has looked after me well. I would recommend the guys over at Fehlings any day. Content that I don’t have […]